Ok - “Gracefullee Made” has to be the cutest blog name, ever. (Your full name is Grace Lee) What gave you the idea to use it?
Aw, thank you! Well, I’m a person who likes to stand out and I didn’t want my blog name to be something common. Also, how many people do you know that can fit their full name into their blog name? Exactly. One of my close friends in high school used to call me ‘Grace full Lee’ and it seemed fitting to use as my blog name.
Let’s talk about your blog. It’s filled with pink, glitter, and smiles! What made you want to get into blogging/launch your own blog, and how long have you been blogging for?
I liked to dress very stylishly in high school. It was rare for anyone to see me in a t-shirt or tennis shoes. On a daily basis, my classmates, friends, and even teachers would ask me where I got my clothes, shoes, accessories, etc. I decided it was best to blog about it. It was like having an online diary where I could post my looks, and then share what I was wearing. I have been blogging for four years now.
How do you keep a steady following?
Two words: social networking. I am an avid tweeter and instagram-mer. I try to write posts and say things that other bloggers and readers can relate to. Also, having an eye for what kind of shots you want is key. It’s almost like being a salesman because you’re constantly promoting your blog on social media and preserving the best image for it.
Do you connect/network with other bloggers? How do you go about initiating those conversations?
I do! I’ve made a ton of blogger friends through social media, and I’ve only met a few of them in real life, but that’s only because it’s hard meeting up with bloggers that are many states away. But I do still keep in contact with them and even email them for upcoming blogger collaborations here and there. Usually, I’ll just shoot them an email or a text and the conversation just flows. Is it crazy to be close with people you’ve never met? It’s amazing how social media does that to us.
What blogs do you look to for daily inspiration? Do you have any must-visit blogs?
Atlantic-Pacific, Pink Peonies, Cupcakes and Cashmere, Could I Have That?, and The Sweetest Thing are definitely a few of my favorite style inspirations and must-visit blogs. I’m particularly drawn to any blogs that can captivate readers with their words and creative photos.
You blog from Chapel Hill, NC. How do your surroundings influence your style?
Every day, I’m surrounded by copious amounts of college students on campus as I go to class, run errands, and take blog shoots. Therefore, I see a lot of styles on a daily basis. It’s definitely hard being motivated in Chapel Hill, especially because it’s a college town and most people like to wear sportswear and hoodies to be comfortable in class. But luckily, Pinterest and other fashion blogs keep me inspired.
Who’s your favorite clothing designer?
Truth be told, most of my closest friends already know the answer to this one without even thinking twice about it. My favorite would have to be Kate Spade. I always stalk the NYFW collections every year and I simply cannot get enough of the brights, bows, and all things colorific.
"How do you keep a steady following? Two words. Social networking."— Grace Lee
If you could only wear one outfit everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be?
An A-line little black dress, a statement necklace, and a pair of colorful pumps. Classy and elegant.
Are there any websites or online resources that you turn to for guidance with respect to blogging and maintaining your blog?
Yes, I use sites like RewardStyle, Pradux, Chictopia, Pinterest, Lucky Community to share my blog posts and pictures with the fashion community. RewardStyle is a great way to not only find similar items, but also provides commission towards the blogger when that similar item is clicked on and purchased from the readers. My wonderful blog layout was created by Shannon Page Designs who did an amazing job at glamming up my site!
What quote or mantra do you live by?
If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.“ That has to be one of my favorite quotes, hands down. I am constantly pushing myself to be better and to shoot for high expectations. I want to inspire others, but at the same time, inspire myself as well.
What do you study as an undergrad? Has it helped you with your blog?
I’m currently studying journalism and mass communications. I always had a knack for writing. I use my blog not only for personal style posts, but also a way to express my thoughts to my readers. I think it’s very important to have that voice as a fashion blogger. Majoring in journalism has helped with my blog. I’m currently taking a News Writing class, and it has really opened my eyes to information that I did not know about the world of journalism, and I am enjoying every step of the journey.
Who takes your photos for you, and what kind of camera do you use?
When I first started my blog in high school, my younger brother who is 13, took my photos. Though, I technically dragged him outdoors most of the time, sometimes I want to say that he enjoyed playing “blog photographer” for me. Since bringing younger brothers with you to college isn’t allowed, I rely on my older sister, who is a senior here in Chapel Hill, or one of my best friends Ginger Melton. They are both supportive of my blog in every way.
Instagram or Twitter?
Instagram all the way. I’m a firm believer that pictures have a way of telling a story in a deeper perspective than words can.
Vanilla or chocolate?
Chocolate. Lady Godiva has my heart.
What’s one thing that blogging has taught you that you did not expect to learn?
It has taught me to always be careful with what I say and how I say it. We live in a world where words can be taken out of context or used in a different manner, and that is always something everyone should be cautious of.
What’s the most rewarding component of blogging?
I’m pretty sure receiving free packages in the mail from companies trumps all rewarding components of being a blogger. Am I right? Okay, all jokes aside. But I do love mail days and keeping in contact with companies that sponsor me. I’ve met some pretty incredible people and it’s nice to know that. It’s so great being able to boost both of our followers simply by helping each other out.